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Candles allow user to compose a trailing window of real-time market data in OHLCV (Open, High, Low, Close, Volume) form from certain supported exchanges.

It combines historical and real-time data to generate and maintain this window, allowing users to create custom technical indicators, leveraging pandas_ta.

Supported Exchanges

See Candles Feed for a list of the currently supported exchanges.

A common practice is to execute bots on decentralized exchanges or smaller exchanges using candles data from other exchanges.

Key Configuration Parameters

  • connector: The data source (e.g., binance or binance_perpetual).
  • trading_pair: The trading pair (e.g., BTC-USDT).
  • interval: Time interval between candles (e.g., 5m for 5 minutes).
  • max_records: Maximum number of candles to store.

Downloading Candles

Candles provide a concise way to access historical exchange data. See the download_candles script.

Adding Technical Indicators

Incorporate technical indicators to candle data for enhanced strategy insights:

def format_status(self) -> str:
    # Ensure market connectors are ready
    if not self.ready_to_trade:
        return "Market connectors are not ready."
    lines = []
    if self.all_candles_ready:
        # Loop through each candle set
        for candles in [self.eth_1w_candles, self.eth_1m_candles, self.eth_1h_candles]:
            candles_df = candles.candles_df
            # Add RSI, BBANDS, and EMA indicators
            candles_df.ta.rsi(length=14, append=True)
            candles_df.ta.bbands(length=20, std=2, append=True)
            candles_df.ta.ema(length=14, offset=None, append=True)
            # Format and display candle data
            lines.extend([f"Candles: {} | Interval: {candles.interval}"])
            lines.extend(["    " + line for line in candles_df.tail().to_string(index=False).split("\n")])
        lines.append("  No data collected.")

    return "\n".join(lines)

Multiple Candles

For strategies requiring multiple candle intervals or trading pairs, initialize separate instances:

from hummingbot.data_feed.candles_feed.candles_factory import CandlesFactory, CandlesConfig

class InitializingCandlesExample(ScriptStrategyBase):
    # Configure two different sets of candles
    candles_config_1 = CandlesConfig(connector="binance", trading_pair="BTC-USDT", interval="3m")
    candles_config_2 = CandlesConfig(connector="binance_perpetual", trading_pair="ETH-USDT", interval="1m")

    # Initialize candles using the configurations
    candles_1 = CandlesFactory.get_candle(candles_config_1)
    candles_2 = CandlesFactory.get_candle(candles_config_2)

Displaying Candles in status

Modify the format_status method to display candlestick data:

def format_status(self) -> str:
    # Check if trading is ready
    if not self.ready_to_trade:
        return "Market connectors are not ready."

    lines = ["\n############################################ Market Data ############################################\n"]
    # Check if the candle data is ready
    if self.eth_1h_candles.is_ready:
        # Format and display the last few candle records
        candles_df = self.eth_1h_candles.candles_df
        candles_df["timestamp"] = pd.to_datetime(candles_df["timestamp"], unit="ms").dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        display_columns = ["timestamp", "open", "high", "low", "close"]
        formatted_df = candles_df[display_columns].tail()
        lines.append("One-hour Candles for ETH-USDT:")
        lines.append("  One-hour candle data is not ready.")

    return "\n".join(lines)

Logging Candles Periodically

To log candle data in the on_tick method:

def on_tick(self):

Additional Key Methods and Properties

  • start and stop Methods: Control the initiation and termination of the candle data stream.
  • is_ready Property: Check if the candle data is complete and ready for use.
  • candles_df Property: Access the DataFrame containing the latest candle data.