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Bounty Contributors Guide

As an open source project, Hummingbot thrives on the contributions of developers around the world. Through its bounty system, developers are incentivized to solve issues and implement enhancements that push the boundaries of the platform. If you are a developer interested in participating in a Hummingbot bounty, here are the steps you need to follow.

Step 1: Fill Out the New Bounty Contributor Form

Before you can participate in a Hummingbot bounty, all contributors need to fill out the New Bounty Contributor Form. This is necessary for Hummingbot Foundation to stay in compliance with financial regulations.

After you submit the form and are approved, the Hummingbot Foundation team will grant you a support-contributor and/or bounty-contributor label in Discord.

Step 2: Check the Bounties Board

After you become a contributor, you can start browsing for available bounties. The Bounties Board will contain a list of open issues or enhancements, along with the bounty amount associated with each task. Choose a task that aligns with your skills and interests.

Step 3: Express Interest in a Bounty

After choosing a bounty, you need to notify the Hummingbot community that you want to work on it by commenting on the Github issue. If it's your first time contributing, please explain your development background and experience with Hummingbot.

This step is crucial as it prevents multiple developers from working on the same issue simultaneously.

Step 4: Get Assigned

Once you've expressed your interest, you will be assigned the bounty by the Hummingbot Foundation. This formalizes your commitment to working on the issue and you are now expected to submit a pull request (PR).

Throughout the process of working on the bounty, it's important to maintain regular communication with the Hummingbot Foundation team. This includes updating them on your progress, asking for help when needed, and discussing any potential changes or roadblocks.

Step 5: Submit the Pull Request

Once you've completed your work, you need to submit a pull request (PR) to the Hummingbot repository. Ensure that you're pointing the PR to the Hummingbot development branch, and follow rest of the Contribution Guidelines.

Additionally, reference the Github bounty issue number in the PR description, which helps the team understand which issue the PR is addressing.

In your PR, you should clearly summarize the changes you've made and how they address the bounty issue. This will allow the Hummingbot Foundation team and the community to review and test your work effectively.

After you've checked all these points, submit your PR. This allows your work to be reviewed, critiqued, and ultimately integrated into the Hummingbot codebase if it meets the project's standards.

Step 6: Make Necessary Changes After Testing

After submitting your PR, it will be tested by the Quality Assurance (QA) team. If they find any issues or areas for improvement, they will provide feedback. You should be ready to make any necessary changes or adjustments to your work based on this feedback.

Step 7: Get Paid

Once your PR has been reviewed, tested, and approved, it will be merged into the development branch. After this happens, the bounty will be released, and you will receive your well-earned reward on a monthly basis! You can check the HBOT Tracker for the status of your bounty distribution.

Participating in a Hummingbot bounty is a fantastic way to contribute to a vibrant open-source project, improve your skills, and earn rewards. So, start today, and happy coding!